Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A New Year

A New Year is upon us and it is a time for reflection and a time for setting goals. I just finished a book titled "Tribes" that is a bit about goals but more about the changes in leadership and the opportunities for everyone to lead. With blogs, websites, internet, facebook etc. etc. there is an opportunity to create Tribes and lead the Tribes. Godin refers to the elements of leadership and indicates that leaders challenge the status quo and create cultures. They communicate their vision to attract and motivate followers for their tribe. They commit to a vision and base their decisions on that commitment. Finally he talks about how leaders connect followers to one another. It is not about power, but rather about building and motivating a tribe. To quote his feeling on Belief "People don't believe what you tell them. They often believe what their friends tell them. They always believe what they tell themselves. What leaders do: they give people stories they can tell themselves. Stories about the future and about change." What stories have your leaders given you to tell and are you committed to any Tribes?

What makes organizations great? Their willingness to be wrong, realization that wrong isn't fatal, and a willingness to not be not great along the way but great in the future bigger goal at the end of the process. There isn't an easy way to reach the goal and there may be failures along the way but the secret is a simple one according to Godin "Do what you believe in. Paint a picture of the future. Go there. People will follow".

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Hidden Mickey's

Next time you visit Disneyland or Disney World look for the hidden characters. This all started with hidden Mickey's but has expanded some to other characters as well. What you see on this postcard is a few examples of the Hidden Mickey's at Disney World in Orlando. I just attended Mousefest (an event for died in the wool Disney fans) and went on a tour with Steve Barrett who wrote the book on hidden Mickey's and is the unofficial keeper of the list. If you plan to go to one of the parks, be sure to buy the book as it will help you find Characters you would never see otherwise. It is a fun activity to make the park experience a challenge.

Click to play Hidden Mickey's
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Grant a Wish

What a great opportunity to "Grant a Wish". This is a contest by Sears to win a $100.00 gift card. http://therealtimjones.com/2008/12/16/grant-a-wish-with-a-100-sears-gift-card/ Head for this site and participate in the contest. I entered by ordering four snow shovels for the folks up north. Sorry South Dakota guys I'll be sending them to Minnesota and North Dakota if I win. After all that is the real North!!
Hope you are having a great season up north. We had snow last week and it almost brought New Orleans to a standstill.

The New Orleans team continues to work hard on the UPK and works hard to stay focused on the UPK. Food can also become a focus and guess whose plate this is? If you guess right, you will get the opportunity to go with the team to the local truck stop for lunch if and when you get to New Orleans.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Christmas Around the Corner

Christmas is just around the corner and New Orleans has dressed in it's finest decorations for the event. The Cajana Team thought it would be an opportunity to show our Christmas spirit with a tree. Now we all know that Cajana is new so the agreement was we would be frugal, but we do believe Bob took it a bit too far when he found us our tree.

Sharon wanted something a bit larger and more flambuoyant, but considering our frugal approach decided we could all just walk by the large tree at the Renaissance. I was looking for the Christmas goodies but found none under either tree. I guess this will be another year of coal and an onion for me.

So, what was the airplane book this week? Shack. I am still pondering the book and it gives you pause. Very different from what I expected at the beginning of the book. Is it worth the read? I would have to say yes.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back in the Big Easy

We are back in the Big Easy and it is cold. We were discussing Christmas presents today and Bob said he was going to buy Kathy a snuggie...but she decided it might be too warm for Georgia. We did decide however, that it would be great for the South Dakota Crew.
So if you want to keep your wife, or significant other in cozy comfort, take a look at the Snuggie on this site. You'll find lots of other TV offers here as well. Click on the TV Offers link and take a look at Bob's suggestion.

If you want something really special go to
the LUSH link on the blog. Sharon, Kathy and I have tested many of these products and can vouch for the bubble bars, bath bombs and stocking stuffers. So get busy and buy those extra special presents now without fighting the crowds.